Interview Policies

Thanks so much for your interest in featuring me for your interview, Q&A session or other.

I’d love to! And I’m so honoured that you thought of me! 

I hope that we can focus on collaboration and quality, not on list numbers and metrics.

I think it’s a little obnoxious to be asked about my list size before considering whether you want to feature me. Trust me – it’s growing fast enough. I will not be able to comply with requests that demand that I email my list x number of times on x dates. As a subscriber I would hate receiving spam like this. This is just not my style. I’d prefer to share organically in a way that makes sense for my business (and I’m very happy to do so – I love showing off places where I’m featured and helping my Mommy in Paris audience find new and amazing people like you)

You can check out my guidelines in detail here and if we’re a fit, let’s get ourselves scheduled in!


1. Do interviews (audio/video/written) – I LOVE chatting with people about all things Mommy in Paris !

2. Do Q & A’s – yes – so much fun!

3. Promote via 1 tweet to my twitter list

4. Promote with one post on Facebook

5. Provide a mini course or paid product of your choosing as a giveaway


1. Send out a separate email to my list about the interview

2. Do any special content creation in preparation for the interview

3. Create any other freebies for your audience

4. Give out the size of my email list

5. Give out the size of my social media followings (you can look this up easily)

6. Become an affiliate of any program that I have not personally taken or product that I have not tested (but I’m happy to check it out and give it the green light!)

Spelling out these policies in advance just helps everything go much smoother, so we can focus on helping your audience in a way that works best for both of us!