About Me

Hi, it’s me, Aline!

I’m so glad you made it to my website!

In real life I create perfumes. Not the expensive ones for Armani or Dior. But the fun ones that make your shower gel or body lotion smell good!

And I am also a mom of two beautiful children (who doesn’t think their own children are beautiful?!). A girl who is 3 years old and just started Kindergarten and a 5-month-old baby boy.

Initially, I’m from Belgium. I moved to France to get my masters degree and I was going to leave soon after. But life happened and I met the love of my life who became the daddy of my children.

Why do I blog?

I noticed that I love sharing about pregnancy, labour and delivery, breastfeeding and all things related to motherhood – and that’s what you will find here.

This year, I decided to start a blog about motherhood so I could help other mommies who are looking for advice on everything from pregnancy to motherhood.
With a special focus on France.

What do you need to know when you are pregnant in France?
When and how do you have to ask for parental leave?
What comes next? Do you really need to go to 1000 medical appointments?
What does “petite section” and “CM1” mean?

Who is this blog for?

If you are pregnant or already a mom, then this blog is for you!
Maybe you were, like me, born in a different country and moved to France.
And now you have to figure out how the French system works.

You probably have a thousand questions, right?

Or maybe, you are coming to Paris with your kids.
Whether it is just a short stay or you are moving here, you will find information on what to do and what to see, where to dine and how to make your shopping experience easier.
Shopping? Sure, we’re in Paris, right?!

Being a mom is both equally exciting and scary. And even if no two babies or moms are alike, I hope reading about my experiences will give you the confidence to be the best parent you can be.

Since I know how difficult it is if you don’t have many friends or family that can relate to your situation, I’d like you to think of me as your online mommy friend.

If you find something you like, feel free to share it with other mommies. The more the merrier around here!

I love to connect with other moms who are figuring this whole thing out.
So be sure to send me an email if you have questions or comments – as you can see, I’m a real person – and follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.